
Visit for the Spirits and Stay for the Sunset

If you live in the city or suburbs of Cincinnati, Lexington or Louisville you may seldom catch a sunset. Lights from the city, obstacles on the horizon, and even tree-filled vistas can block a wide expanse of the western night sky. But if you’re willing to drive less than an hour away, you will be charmed by a glorious sunset that is something of a Northern Kentucky legend – and it might be one of Kentucky’s best-kept secrets.

This treasure of a town lies about 40 miles east of Covington on a soft bend in the Ohio River. Its 1100 friendly citizens are proud of their city’s long and colorful history that stretches back to its Native American roots, and winds through the frontier era, a pivotal Civil War battle, and later to its growth in agribusiness and commerce. Visitors strolling through Augusta’s streets will discover rich architecture ranging from log cabins to brick colonial buildings, many of which are listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Augusta is home to whimsical small-town shops, B&B’s, and eateries. It’s also the site of the oldest and largest wine cellar in America, an impressive stone structure which survived a Civil War battle. But Augusta’s crowning glory? It offers one of the best unobstructed views of the sunset in this part of the country.

Hues of purple, indigo, pink, red, persimmon and gold present a breathtaking performance. As the Ohio River winds downstream from the bustling Cincinnati/Newport riverfronts, tree-covered hillsides rise above its banks, and nary a city light can be seen. Augusta sunsets are revered by its residents and have been captured by scores of professional artists and photographers.

Whether you arrive by car, boat or the Augusta Ferry which has faithfully traversed the mighty Ohio for over 200 years, find yourself a bench, relax, and savor the Augusta evening sunset.

Shopping & Dining in Augusta

Shopping & Dining Itinerary

Kayaking & Augusta Activities

Kayaking & Augusta Activities

Farm Charm Itinerary





Beehive Tavern on the River

(Reservations are recommended)

General Store


Local Shops

Charming shops and a treasure trove of hidden finds are waiting for you in the quaint shops of Augusta.

For more information on restaurants and shops go to


Contact the Augusta Tourism Office at (606) 756-2183.

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